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GnuCOBOL 3.1.2

GNU COBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a free, open-source COBOL compiler that allows programs written in the COBOL language to be compiled into executable code for various platforms. It supports most of the COBOL 85 standard and many extensions of COBOL 2002 and COBOL 2014.

cd Ports/gnucobol


Website: https://gnucobol.sourceforge.io/

Port: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/tree/master/Ports/gnucobol

Dependencies: gmp gcc bash ncurses 🖧

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Port icon has the following license: GNU GPLv3 https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/ (c) GnuCOBOL