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Another World Bytecode Interpreter

Another World, a classic video game, uses a custom bytecode interpreter to handle its graphics and gameplay logic. The interpreter is a stack-based virtual machine that executes bytecode instructions stored in a binary file. It consists of an instruction decoder, operand stack, and program counter, and supports conditional branching and function calls.

cd Ports/Another-World

Description  ~  📖 Instructions  ~  ⚠️Issues

You will need the original files, here is the required list :


To start the game, you can either :

* put the game's datafiles in the same directory as the executable
* use the --datapath command line option to specify the datafiles directory

Start the game in the Terminal, not from the Start menu. This is a workaround to this issue.

Website: https://github.com/fabiensanglard/Another-World-Bytecode-Interpreter

Port: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/tree/master/Ports/Another-World

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Port icon has the following license: Icon taken from Another World 20th Anniversary Edition